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Chapter 100- The Apparition.

Chapter 100

The Apparition.


As the procureur had told Madame Danglars, Valentine was not

yet recovered. Bowed down with fatigue, she was indeed

confined to her bed; and it was in her own room, and from

the lips of Madame de Villefort, that she heard all the

strange events we have related, -- we mean the flight of

Eugenie and the arrest of Andrea Cavalcanti, or rather

Benedetto, together with the accusation of murder pronounced

against him. But Valentine was so weak that this recital

scarcely produced the same effect it would have done had she

been in her usual state of health. Indeed, her brain was

only the seat of vague ideas, and confused forms, mingled

with strange fancies, alone presented themselves before her



During the daytime Valentine's perceptions remained

tolerably clear, owing to the constant presence of M.

Noirtier, who caused himself to be carried to his

granddaughter's room, and watched her with his paternal

tenderness; Villefort also, on his return from the law

courts, frequently passed an hour or two with his father and

child. At six o'clock Villefort retired to his study, at

eight M. d'Avrigny himself arrived, bringing the night

draught prepared for the young girl, and then M. Noirtier

was carried away. A nurse of the doctor's choice succeeded

them, and never left till about ten or eleven o'clock, when

Valentine was asleep. As she went down-stairs she gave the

keys of Valentine's room to M. de Villefort, so that no one

could reach the sick-room excepting through that of Madame

de Villefort and little Edward.


Every morning Morrel called on Noirtier to receive news of

Valentine, and, extraordinary as it seemed, each day found

him less uneasy. Certainly, though Valentine still labored

under dreadful nervous excitement, she was better; and

moreover, Monte Cristo had told him when, half distracted,

he had rushed to the count's house, that if she were not

dead in two hours she would be saved. Now four days had

elapsed, and Valentine still lived.


The nervous excitement of which we speak pursued Valentine

even in her sleep, or rather in that state of somnolence

which succeeded her waking hours; it was then, in the

silence of night, in the dim light shed from the alabaster

lamp on the chimney-piece, that she saw the shadows pass and

repass which hover over the bed of sickness, and fan the

fever with their trembling wings. First she fancied she saw

her stepmother threatening her, then Morrel stretched his

arms towards her; sometimes mere strangers, like the Count

of Monte Cristo came to visit her; even the very furniture,

in these moments of delirium, seemed to move, and this state

lasted till about three o'clock in the morning, when a deep,

heavy slumber overcame the young girl, from which she did

not awake till daylight. On the evening of the day on which

Valentine had learned of the flight of Eugenie and the

arrest of Benedetto, -- Villefort having retired as well as

Noirtier and d'Avrigny, -- her thoughts wandered in a

confused maze, alternately reviewing her own situation and

the events she had just heard.


Eleven o'clock had struck. The nurse, having placed the

beverage prepared by the doctor within reach of the patient,

and locked the door, was listening with terror to the

comments of the servants in the kitchen, and storing her

memory with all the horrible stories which had for some

months past amused the occupants of the ante-chambers in the

house of the king's attorney. Meanwhile an unexpected scene

was passing in the room which had been so carefully locked.

Ten minutes had elapsed since the nurse had left; Valentine,

who for the last hour had been suffering from the fever

which returned nightly, incapable of controlling her ideas,

was forced to yield to the excitement which exhausted itself

in producing and reproducing a succession and recurrence of

the same fancies and images. The night-lamp threw out

countless rays, each resolving itself into some strange form

to her disordered imagination, when suddenly by its

flickering light Valentine thought she saw the door of her

library, which was in the recess by the chimney-piece, open

slowly, though she in vain listened for the sound of the

hinges on which it turned.


At any other time Valentine would have seized the silken

bell-pull and summoned assistance, but nothing astonished

her in her present situation. Her reason told her that all

the visions she beheld were but the children of her

imagination, and the conviction was strengthened by the fact

that in the morning no traces remained of the nocturnal

phantoms, who disappeared with the coming of daylight. From

behind the door a human figure appeared, but the girl was

too familiar with such apparitions to be alarmed, and

therefore only stared, hoping to recognize Morrel. The

figure advanced towards the bed and appeared to listen with

profound attention. At this moment a ray of light glanced

across the face of the midnight visitor.


"It is not he," she murmured, and waited, in the assurance

that this was but a dream, for the man to disappear or

assume some other form. Still, she felt her pulse, and

finding it throb violently she remembered that the best

method of dispelling such illusions was to drink, for a

draught of the beverage prepared by the doctor to allay her

fever seemed to cause a reaction of the brain, and for a

short time she suffered less. Valentine therefore reached

her hand towards the glass, but as soon as her trembling arm

left the bed the apparition advanced more quickly towards

her, and approached the young girl so closely that she

fancied she heard his breath, and felt the pressure of his



This time the illusion, or rather the reality, surpassed

anything Valentine had before experienced; she began to

believe herself really alive and awake, and the belief that

her reason was this time not deceived made her shudder. The

pressure she felt was evidently intended to arrest her arm,

and she slowly withdrew it. Then the figure, from whom she

could not detach her eyes, and who appeared more protecting

than menacing, took the glass, and walking towards the

night-light held it up, as if to test its transparency. This

did not seem sufficient; the man, or rather the ghost -- for

he trod so softly that no sound was heard -- then poured out

about a spoonful into the glass, and drank it. Valentine

witnessed this scene with a sentiment of stupefaction. Every

minute she had expected that it would vanish and give place

to another vision; but the man, instead of dissolving like a

shadow, again approached her, and said in an agitated voice,

"Now you may drink."


Valentine shuddered. It was the first time one of these

visions had ever addressed her in a living voice, and she

was about to utter an exclamation. The man placed his finger

on her lips. "The Count of Monte Cristo!" she murmured.


It was easy to see that no doubt now remained in the young

girl's mind as to the reality of the scene; her eyes started

with terror, her hands trembled, and she rapidly drew the

bedclothes closer to her. Still, the presence of Monte

Cristo at such an hour, his mysterious, fanciful, and

extraordinary entrance into her room through the wall, might

well seem impossibilities to her shattered reason. "Do not

call any one -- do not be alarmed," said the Count; "do not

let a shade of suspicion or uneasiness remain in your

breast; the man standing before you, Valentine (for this

time it is no ghost), is nothing more than the tenderest

father and the most respectful friend you could dream of."


Valentine could not reply; the voice which indicated the

real presence of a being in the room, alarmed her so much

that she feared to utter a syllable; still the expression of

her eyes seemed to inquire, "If your intentions are pure,

why are you here?" The count's marvellous sagacity

understood all that was passing in the young girl's mind.


"Listen to me," he said, "or, rather, look upon me; look at

my face, paler even than usual, and my eyes, red with

weariness -- for four days I have not closed them, for I

have been constantly watching you, to protect and preserve

you for Maximilian." The blood mounted rapidly to the cheeks

of Valentine, for the name just announced by the count

dispelled all the fear with which his presence had inspired

her. "Maximilian!" she exclaimed, and so sweet did the sound

appear to her, that she repeated it -- "Maximilian! -- has

he then owned all to you?"


"Everything. He told me your life was his, and I have

promised him that you shall live."


"You have promised him that I shall live?"




"But, sir, you spoke of vigilance and protection. Are you a



"Yes; the best you could have at the present time, believe



"But you say you have watched?" said Valentine uneasily;

"where have you been? -- I have not seen you." The count

extended his hand towards the library. "I was hidden behind

that door," he said, "which leads into the next house, which

I have rented." Valentine turned her eyes away, and, with an

indignant expression of pride and modest fear, exclaimed:

"Sir, I think you have been guilty of an unparalleled

intrusion, and that what you call protection is more like an



"Valentine," he answered, "during my long watch over you,

all I have observed has been what people visited you, what

nourishment was prepared, and what beverage was served;

then, when the latter appeared dangerous to me, I entered,

as I have now done, and substituted, in the place of the

poison, a healthful draught; which, instead of producing the

death intended, caused life to circulate in your veins."


"Poison -- death!" exclaimed Valentine, half believing

herself under the influence of some feverish hallucination;

"what are you saying, sir?"


"Hush, my child," said Monte Cristo, again placing his

finger upon her lips, "I did say poison and death. But drink

some of this;" and the count took a bottle from his pocket,

containing a red liquid, of which he poured a few drops into

the glass. "Drink this, and then take nothing more

to-night." Valentine stretched out her hand, but scarcely

had she touched the glass when she drew back in fear. Monte

Cristo took the glass, drank half its contents, and then

presented it to Valentine, who smiled and swallowed the

rest. "Oh, yes," she exclaimed, "I recognize the flavor of

my nocturnal beverage which refreshed me so much, and seemed

to ease my aching brain. Thank you, sir, thank you!"


"This is how you have lived during the last four nights,

Valentine," said the count. "But, oh, how I passed that

time! Oh, the wretched hours I have endured -- the torture

to which I have submitted when I saw the deadly poison

poured into your glass, and how I trembled lest you should

drink it before I could find time to throw it away!"


"Sir," said Valentine, at the height of her terror, "you say

you endured tortures when you saw the deadly poison poured

into my glass; but if you saw this, you must also have seen

the person who poured it?"


"Yes." Valentine raised herself in bed, and drew over her

chest, which appeared whiter than snow, the embroidered

cambric, still moist with the cold dews of delirium, to

which were now added those of terror. "You saw the person?"

repeated the young girl. "Yes," repeated the count.


"What you tell me is horrible, sir. You wish to make me

believe something too dreadful. What? -- attempt to murder

me in my father's house, in my room, on my bed of sickness?

Oh, leave me, sir; you are tempting me -- you make me doubt

the goodness of providence -- it is impossible, it cannot



"Are you the first that this hand has stricken? Have you not

seen M. de Saint-Meran, Madame de Saint-Meran, Barrois, all

fall? would not M. Noirtier also have fallen a victim, had

not the treatment he has been pursuing for the last three

years neutralized the effects of the poison?"


"Oh, heaven," said Valentine; "is this the reason why

grandpapa has made me share all his beverages during the

last month?"


"And have they all tasted of a slightly bitter flavor, like

that of dried orange-peel?"


"Oh, yes, yes!"


"Then that explains all," said Monte Cristo. "Your

grandfather knows, then, that a poisoner lives here; perhaps

he even suspects the person. He has been fortifying you, his

beloved child, against the fatal effects of the poison,

which has failed because your system was already impregnated

with it. But even this would have availed little against a

more deadly medium of death employed four days ago, which is

generally but too fatal."


"But who, then, is this assassin, this murderer?"


"Let me also ask you a question. Have you never seen any one

enter your room at night?"


"Oh, yes; I have frequently seen shadows pass close to me,

approach, and disappear; but I took them for visions raised

by my feverish imagination, and indeed when you entered I

thought I was under the influence of delirium."


"Then you do not know who it is that attempts your life?"


"No," said Valentine; "who could desire my death?"


"You shall know it now, then," said Monte Cristo, listening.


"How do you mean?" said Valentine, looking anxiously around.


"Because you are not feverish or delirious to-night, but

thoroughly awake; midnight is striking, which is the hour

murderers choose."


"Oh, heavens," exclaimed Valentine, wiping off the drops

which ran down her forehead. Midnight struck slowly and

sadly; every hour seemed to strike with leaden weight upon

the heart of the poor girl. "Valentine," said the count,

"summon up all your courage; still the beatings of your

heart; do not let a sound escape you, and feign to be

asleep; then you will see." Valentine seized the count's

hand. "I think I hear a noise," she said; "leave me."


"Good-by, for the present," replied the count, walking upon

tiptoe towards the library door, and smiling with an

expression so sad and paternal that the young girl's heart

was filled with gratitude. Before closing the door he turned

around once more, and said, "Not a movement -- not a word;

let them think you asleep, or perhaps you may be killed

before I have the power of helping you." And with this

fearful injunction the count disappeared through the door,

which noiselessly closed after him.



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