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Chapter 42- Monsieur Bertuccio.

Chapter 42

Monsieur Bertuccio.


Meanwhile the count had arrived at his house; it had taken

him six minutes to perform the distance, but these six

minutes were sufficient to induce twenty young men who knew

the price of the equipage they had been unable to purchase

themselves, to put their horses in a gallop in order to see

the rich foreigner who could afford to give 20,000 francs

apiece for his horses. The house Ali had chosen, and which

was to serve as a town residence to Monte Cristo, was

situated on the right hand as you ascend the Champs Elysees.

A thick clump of trees and shrubs rose in the centre, and

masked a portion of the front; around this shrubbery two

alleys, like two arms, extended right and left, and formed a

carriage-drive from the iron gates to a double portico, on

every step of which stood a porcelain vase. filled with

flowers. This house, isolated from the rest, had, besides

the main entrance, another in the Rue Ponthieu. Even before

the coachman had hailed the concierge, the massy gates

rolled on their hinges -- they had seen the Count coming,

and at Paris, as everywhere else, he was served with the

rapidity of lightning. The coachman entered and traversed

the half-circle without slackening his speed, and the gates

were closed ere the wheels had ceased to sound on the

gravel. The carriage stopped at the left side of the

portico, two men presented themselves at the

carriage-window; the one was Ali, who, smiling with an

expression of the most sincere joy, seemed amply repaid by a

mere look from Monte Cristo. The other bowed respectfully,

and offered his arm to assist the count in descending.

"Thanks, M. Bertuccio," said the count, springing lightly up

the three steps of the portico; "and the notary?"


"He is in the small salon, excellency," returned Bertuccio.


"And the cards I ordered to be engraved as soon as you knew

the number of the house?"


"Your excellency, it is done already. I have been myself to

the best engraver of the Palais Royal, who did the plate in

my presence. The first card struck off was taken, according

to your orders, to the Baron Danglars, Rue de la Chaussee

d'Antin, No. 7; the others are on the mantle-piece of your

excellency's bedroom."


"Good; what o'clock is it?"


"Four o'clock." Monte Cristo gave his hat, cane, and gloves

to the same French footman who had called his carriage at

the Count of Morcerf's, and then he passed into the small

salon, preceded by Bertuccio, who showed him the way. "These

are but indifferent marbles in this ante-chamber," said

Monte Cristo. "I trust all this will soon be taken away."

Bertuccio bowed. As the steward had said, the notary awaited

him in the small salon. He was a simple-looking lawyer's

clerk, elevated to the extraordinary dignity of a provincial

scrivener. "You are the notary empowered to sell the country

house that I wish to purchase, monsieur?" asked Monte



"Yes, count," returned the notary.


"Is the deed of sale ready?"


"Yes, count."


"Have you brought it?"


"Here it is."


"Very well; and where is this house that I purchase?" asked

the count carelessly, addressing himself half to Bertuccio,

half to the notary. The steward made a gesture that

signified, "I do not know." The notary looked at the count

with astonishment. "What!" said he, "does not the count know

where the house he purchases is situated?"


"No," returned the count.


"The count does not know?"


"How should I know? I have arrived from Cadiz this morning.

I have never before been at Paris, and it is the first time

I have ever even set my foot in France."


"Ah, that is different; the house you purchase is at

Auteuil." At these words Bertuccio turned pale. "And where

is Auteuil?" asked the count.


"Close by here, monsieur," replied the notary -- "a little

beyond Passy; a charming situation, in the heart of the Bois

de Boulogne."


"So near as that?" said the Count; "but that is not in the

country. What made you choose a house at the gates of Paris,

M. Bertuccio?"


"I," cried the steward with a strange expression. "His

excellency did not charge me to purchase this house. If his

excellency will recollect -- if he will think" --


"Ah, true," observed Monte Cristo; "I recollect now. I read

the advertisement in one of the papers, and was tempted by

the false title, `a country house.'"


"It is not yet too late," cried Bertuccio, eagerly; "and if

your excellency will intrust me with the commission, I will

find you a better at Enghien, at Fontenay-aux-Roses, or at



"Oh, no," returned Monte Cristo negligently; "since I have

this, I will keep it."


"And you are quite right," said the notary, who feared to

lose his fee. "It is a charming place, well supplied with

spring-water and fine trees; a comfortable habitation,

although abandoned for a long time, without reckoning the

furniture, which, although old, is yet valuable, now that

old things are so much sought after. I suppose the count has

the tastes of the day?"


"To be sure," returned Monte Cristo; "it is very convenient,



"It is more -- it is magnificent."


"Peste, let us not lose such an opportunity," returned Monte

Cristo. "The deed, if you please, Mr. Notary." And he signed

it rapidly, after having first run his eye over that part of

the deed in which were specified the situation of the house

and the names of the proprietors. "Bertuccio," said he,

"give fifty-five thousand francs to monsieur." The steward

left the room with a faltering step, and returned with a

bundle of bank-notes, which the notary counted like a man

who never gives a receipt for money until after he is sure

it is all there. "And now," demanded the count, "are all the

forms complied with?"


"All, sir."


"Have you the keys?"


"They are in the hands of the concierge, who takes care of

the house, but here is the order I have given him to install

the count in his new possessions."


"Very well;" and Monte Cristo made a sign with his hand to

the notary, which said, "I have no further need of you; you

may go."


"But," observed the honest notary, "the count is, I think,

mistaken; it is only fifty thousand francs, everything



"And your fee?"


"Is included in this sum."


"But have you not come from Auteuil here?"


"Yes, certainly."


"Well, then, it is but fair that you should be paid for your

loss of time and trouble," said the count; and he made a

gesture of polite dismissal. The notary left the room

backwards, and bowing down to the ground; it was the first

time he had ever met a similar client. "See this gentleman

out," said the count to Bertuccio. And the steward followed

the notary out of the room. Scarcely was the count alone,

when he drew from his pocket a book closed with a lock, and

opened it with a key which he wore round his neck, and which

never left him. After having sought for a few minutes, he

stopped at a leaf which had several notes, and compared them

with the deed of sale, which lay on the table. "`Auteuil,

Rue de la Fontaine, No. 28;' it is indeed the same," said

he; "and now, am I to rely upon an avowal extorted by

religious or physical terror? However, in an hour I shall

know all. Bertuccio!" cried he, striking a light hammer with

a pliant handle on a small gong. "Bertuccio!" The steward

appeared at the door. "Monsieur Bertuccio," said the count,

"did you never tell me that you had travelled in France?"


"In some parts of France -- yes, excellency."


"You know the environs of Paris, then?"


"No, excellency, no," returned the steward, with a sort of

nervous trembling, which Monte Cristo, a connoisseur in all

emotions, rightly attributed to great disquietude.


"It is unfortunate," returned he, "that you have never

visited the environs, for I wish to see my new property this

evening, and had you gone with me, you could have given me

some useful information."


"To Auteuil!" cried Bertuccio, whose copper complexion

became livid -- "I go to Auteuil?"


"Well, what is there surprising in that? When I live at

Auteuil, you must come there, as you belong to my service."

Bertuccio hung down his head before the imperious look of

his master, and remained motionless, without making any

answer. "Why, what has happened to you? -- are you going to

make me ring a second time for the carriage?" asked Monte

Cristo, in the same tone that Louis XIV. pronounced the

famous, "I have been almost obliged to wait." Bertuccio made

but one bound to the ante-chamber, and cried in a hoarse

voice -- "His excellency's horses!" Monte Cristo wrote two

or three notes, and, as he sealed the last, the steward

appeared. "Your excellency's carriage is at the door," said



"Well, take your hat and gloves," returned Monte Cristo.


"Am I to accompany you, your excellency?" cried Bertuccio.


"Certainly, you must give the orders, for I intend residing

at the house." It was unexampled for a servant of the

count's to dare to dispute an order of his, so the steward,

without saying a word, followed his master, who got into the

carriage, and signed to him to follow, which he did, taking

his place respectfully on the front seat.


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