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Chapter 43- The House at Auteuil.

Chapter 43

The House at Auteuil.


Monte Cristo noticed, as they descended the staircase, that

Bertuccio signed himself in the Corsican manner; that is,

had formed the sign of the cross in the air with his thumb,

and as he seated himself in the carriage, muttered a short

prayer. Any one but a man of exhaustless thirst for

knowledge would have had pity on seeing the steward's

extraordinary repugnance for the count's projected drive

without the walls; but the Count was too curious to let

Bertuccio off from this little journey. In twenty minutes

they were at Auteuil; the steward's emotion had continued to

augment as they entered the village. Bertuccio, crouched in

the corner of the carriage, began to examine with a feverish

anxiety every house they passed. "Tell them to stop at Rue

de la Fontaine, No. 28," said the count, fixing his eyes on

the steward, to whom he gave this order. Bertuccio's

forehead was covered with perspiration; however, he obeyed,

and, leaning out of the window, he cried to the coachman, --

"Rue de la Fontaine, No. 28." No. 28 was situated at the

extremity of the village; during the drive night had set in,

and darkness gave the surroundings the artificial appearance

of a scene on the stage. The carriage stopped, the footman

sprang off the box, and opened the door. "Well," said the

count, "you do not get out, M. Bertuccio -- you are going to

stay in the carriage, then? What are you thinking of this

evening?" Bertuccio sprang out, and offered his shoulder to

the count, who, this time, leaned upon it as he descended

the three steps of the carriage. "Knock," said the count,

"and announce me." Bertuccio knocked, the door opened, and

the concierge appeared. "What is it?" asked he.


"It is your new master, my good fellow," said the footman.

And he held out to the concierge the notary's order.


"The house is sold, then?" demanded the concierge; "and this

gentleman is coming to live here?"


"Yes, my friend," returned the count; "and I will endeavor

to give you no cause to regret your old master."


"Oh, monsieur," said the concierge, "I shall not have much

cause to regret him, for he came here but seldom; it is five

years since he was here last, and he did well to sell the

house, for it did not bring him in anything at all."


"What was the name of your old master?" said Monte Cristo.


"The Marquis of Saint-Meran. Ah, I am sure he has not sold

the house for what he gave for it."


"The Marquis of Saint-Meran!" returned the count. "The name

is not unknown to me; the Marquis of Saint-Meran!" and he

appeared to meditate.


"An old gentleman," continued the concierge, "a stanch

follower of the Bourbons; he had an only daughter, who

married M. de Villefort, who had been the king's attorney at

Nimes, and afterwards at Versailles." Monte Cristo glanced

at Bertuccio, who became whiter than the wall against which

he leaned to prevent himself from falling. "And is not this

daughter dead?" demanded Monte Cristo; "I fancy I have heard



"Yes, monsieur, one and twenty years ago; and since then we

have not seen the poor marquis three times."


"Thanks, thanks," said Monte Cristo, judging from the

steward's utter prostration that he could not stretch the

cord further without danger of breaking it. "Give me a



"Shall I accompany you, monsieur?"


"No, it is unnecessary; Bertuccio will show me a light." And

Monte Cristo accompanied these words by the gift of two gold

pieces, which produced a torrent of thanks and blessings

from the concierge. "Ah, monsieur," said he, after having

vainly searched on the mantle-piece and the shelves, "I have

not got any candles."


"Take one of the carriage-lamps, Bertuccio," said the count,

"and show me the apartments." The steward obeyed in silence,

but it was easy to see, from the manner in which the hand

that held the light trembled, how much it cost him to obey.

They went over a tolerably large ground-floor; a second

floor consisted of a salon, a bathroom, and two bedrooms;

near one of the bedrooms they came to a winding staircase

that led down to the garden.


"Ah, here is a private staircase," said the count; "that is

convenient. Light me, M. Bertuccio, and go first; we will

see where it leads to."


"Monsieur," replied Bertuccio, "it leads to the garden."


"And, pray, how do you know that?"


"It ought to do so, at least."


"Well, let us be sure of that." Bertuccio sighed, and went

on first; the stairs did, indeed, lead to the garden. At the

outer door the steward paused. "Go on, Monsieur Bertuccio,"

said the count. But he who was addressed stood there,

stupefied, bewildered, stunned; his haggard eyes glanced

around, as if in search of the traces of some terrible

event, and with his clinched hands he seemed striving to

shut out horrible recollections. "Well," insisted the Count.

"No, no," cried Bertuccio, setting down the lantern at the

angle of the interior wall. "No, monsieur, it is impossible;

I can go no farther."


"What does this mean?" demanded the irresistible voice of

Monte Cristo.


"Why, you must see, your excellency," cried the steward,

"that this is not natural; that, having a house to purchase,

you purchase it exactly at Auteuil, and that, purchasing it

at Auteuil, this house should be No. 28, Rue de la Fontaine.

Oh, why did I not tell you all? I am sure you would not have

forced me to come. I hoped your house would have been some

other one than this; as if there was not another house at

Auteuil than that of the assassination!"


"What, what!" cried Monte Cristo, stopping suddenly, "what

words do you utter? Devil of a man, Corsican that you are --

always mysteries or superstitions. Come, take the lantern,

and let us visit the garden; you are not afraid of ghosts

with me, I hope?" Bertuccio raised the lantern, and obeyed.

The door, as it opened, disclosed a gloomy sky, in which the

moon strove vainly to struggle through a sea of clouds that

covered her with billows of vapor which she illumined for an

instant, only to sink into obscurity. The steward wished to

turn to the left. "No, no, monsieur," said Monte Cristo.

"What is the use of following the alleys? Here is a

beautiful lawn; let us go on straight forwards."


Bertuccio wiped the perspiration from his brow, but obeyed;

however, he continued to take the left hand. Monte Cristo,

on the contrary, took the right hand; arrived near a clump

of trees, he stopped. The steward could not restrain

himself. "Move, monsieur -- move away, I entreat you; you

are exactly in the spot!"


"What spot?"


"Where he fell."


"My dear Monsieur Bertuccio," said Monte Cristo, laughing,

"control yourself; we are not at Sartena or at Corte. This

is not a Corsican arbor, but an English garden; badly kept,

I own, but still you must not calumniate it for that."


"Monsieur, I implore you do not stay there!"


"I think you are going mad, Bertuccio," said the count

coldly. "If that is the case, I warn you, I shall have you

put in a lunatic asylum."


"Alas, excellency," returned Bertuccio, joining his hands,

and shaking his head in a manner that would have excited the

count's laughter, had not thoughts of a superior interest

occupied him, and rendered him attentive to the least

revelation of this timorous conscience. "Alas, excellency,

the evil has arrived!"


"M. Bertuccio," said the count, "I am very glad to tell you,

that while you gesticulate, you wring your hands and roll

your eyes like a man possessed by a devil who will not leave

him; and I have always observed, that the devil most

obstinate to be expelled is a secret. I knew you were a

Corsican. I knew you were gloomy, and always brooding over

some old history of the vendetta; and I overlooked that in

Italy, because in Italy those things are thought nothing of.

But in France they are considered in very bad taste; there

are gendarmes who occupy themselves with such affairs,

judges who condemn, and scaffolds which avenge." Bertuccio

clasped his hands, and as, in all these evolutions, he did

not let fall the lantern, the light showed his pale and

altered countenance. Monte Cristo examined him with the same

look that, at Rome, he had bent upon the execution of

Andrea, and then, in a tone that made a shudder pass through

the veins of the poor steward, -- "The Abbe Busoni, then

told me an untruth," said he, "when, after his journey in

France, in 1829, he sent you to me, with a letter of

recommendation, in which he enumerated all your valuable

qualities. Well, I shall write to the abbe; I shall hold him

responsible for his protege's misconduct, and I shall soon

know all about this assassination. Only I warn you, that

when I reside in a country, I conform to all its code, and I

have no wish to put myself within the compass of the French

laws for your sake."


"Oh, do not do that, excellency; I have always served you

faithfully," cried Bertuccio, in despair. "I have always

been an honest man, and, as far as lay in my power, I have

done good."


"I do not deny it," returned the count; "but why are you

thus agitated. It is a bad sign; a quiet conscience does not

occasion such paleness in the cheeks, and such fever in the

hands of a man."


"But, your excellency," replied Bertuccio hesitatingly, "did

not the Abbe Busoni, who heard my confession in the prison

at Nimes, tell you that I had a heavy burden upon my



"Yes; but as he said you would make an excellent steward, I

concluded you had stolen -- that was all."


"Oh, your excellency," returned Bertuccio in deep contempt.


"Or, as you are a Corsican, that you had been unable to

resist the desire of making a `stiff,' as you call it."


"Yes, my good master," cried Bertuccio, casting himself at

the count's feet, "it was simply vengeance -- nothing else."


"I understand that, but I do not understand what it is that

galvanizes you in this manner."


"But, monsieur, it is very natural," returned Bertuccio,

"since it was in this house that my vengeance was



"What! my house?"


"Oh, your excellency, it was not yours, then."


"Whose, then? The Marquis de Saint-Meran, I think, the

concierge said. What had you to revenge on the Marquis de



"Oh, it was not on him, monsieur; it was on another."


"This is strange," returned Monte Cristo, seeming to yield

to his reflections, "that you should find yourself without

any preparation in a house where the event happened that

causes you so much remorse."


"Monsieur," said the steward, "it is fatality, I am sure.

First, you purchase a house at Auteuil -- this house is the

one where I have committed an assassination; you descend to

the garden by the same staircase by which he descended; you

stop at the spot where he received the blow; and two paces

farther is the grave in which he had just buried his child.

This is not chance, for chance, in this case, is too much

like providence."


"Well, amiable Corsican, let us suppose it is providence. I

always suppose anything people please, and, besides, you

must concede something to diseased minds. Come, collect

yourself, and tell me all."


"I have related it but once, and that was to the Abbe

Busoni. Such things," continued Bertuccio, shaking his head,

"are only related under the seal of confession."


"Then," said the count, "I refer you to your confessor. Turn

Chartreux or Trappist, and relate your secrets, but, as for

me, I do not like any one who is alarmed by such phantasms,

and I do not choose that my servants should be afraid to

walk in the garden of an evening. I confess I am not very

desirous of a visit from the commissary of police, for, in

Italy, justice is only paid when silent -- in France she is

paid only when she speaks. Peste, I thought you somewhat

Corsican, a great deal smuggler, and an excellent steward;

but I see you have other strings to your bow. You are no

longer in my service, Monsieur Bertuccio."


"Oh, your excellency, your excellency!" cried the steward,

struck with terror at this threat, "if that is the only

reason I cannot remain in your service, I will tell all, for

if I quit you, it will only be to go to the scaffold."


"That is different," replied Monte Cristo; "but if you

intend to tell an untruth, reflect it were better not to

speak at all."


"No, monsieur, I swear to you, by my hopes of salvation, I

will tell you all, for the Abbe Busoni himself only knew a

part of my secret; but, I pray you, go away from that

plane-tree. The moon is just bursting through the clouds,

and there, standing where you do, and wrapped in that cloak

that conceals your figure, you remind me of M. de



" What!" cried Monte Cristo, "it was M. de Villefort?"


"Your excellency knows him?"


"The former royal attorney at Nimes?"




"Who married the Marquis of Saint-Meran's daughter?"




"Who enjoyed the reputation of being the most severe, the

most upright, the most rigid magistrate on the bench?"


"Well, monsieur," said Bertuccio, "this man with this

spotless reputation" --




"Was a villain."


"Bah," replied Monte Cristo, "impossible!"


"It is as I tell you."


"Ah, really," said Monte Cristo. "Have you proof of this?"


"I had it."


"And you have lost it; how stupid!"


"Yes; but by careful search it might be recovered."


"Really," returned the count, "relate it to me, for it

begins to interest me." And the count, humming an air from

"Lucia," went to sit down on a bench, while Bertuccio

followed him, collecting his thoughts. Bertuccio remained

standing before him.


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