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Chapter 5 The Marriage-Feast.

Chapter 5  The Marriage-Feast.


The morning's sun rose clear and resplendent, touching the

foamy waves into a network of ruby-tinted light.


The feast had been made ready on the second floor at La

Reserve, with whose arbor the reader is already familiar.

The apartment destined for the purpose was spacious and

lighted by a number of windows, over each of which was

written in golden letters for some inexplicable reason the

name of one of the principal cities of France; beneath these

windows a wooden balcony extended the entire length of the

house. And although the entertainment was fixed for twelve

o'clock, an hour previous to that time the balcony was

filled with impatient and expectant guests, consisting of

the favored part of the crew of the Pharaon, and other

personal friends of the bride-groom, the whole of whom had

arrayed themselves in their choicest costumes, in order to

do greater honor to the occasion.


Various rumors were afloat to the effect that the owners of

the Pharaon had promised to attend the nuptial feast; but

all seemed unanimous in doubting that an act of such rare

and exceeding condescension could possibly be intended.


Danglars, however, who now made his appearance, accompanied

by Caderousse, effectually confirmed the report, stating

that he had recently conversed with M. Morrel, who had

himself assured him of his intention to dine at La Reserve.


In fact, a moment later M. Morrel appeared and was saluted

with an enthusiastic burst of applause from the crew of the

Pharaon, who hailed the visit of the shipowner as a sure

indication that the man whose wedding feast he thus

delighted to honor would ere long be first in command of the

ship; and as Dantes was universally beloved on board his

vessel, the sailors put no restraint on their tumultuous joy

at finding that the opinion and choice of their superiors so

exactly coincided with their own.


With the entrance of M. Morrel, Danglars and Caderousse were

despatched in search of the bride-groom to convey to him the

intelligence of the arrival of the important personage whose

coming had created such a lively sensation, and to beseech

him to make haste.


Danglars and Caderousse set off upon their errand at full

speed; but ere they had gone many steps they perceived a

group advancing towards them, composed of the betrothed

pair, a party of young girls in attendance on the bride, by

whose side walked Dantes' father; the whole brought up by

Fernand, whose lips wore their usual sinister smile.


Neither Mercedes nor Edmond observed the strange expression

of his countenance; they were so happy that they were

conscious only of the sunshine and the presence of each



Having acquitted themselves of their errand, and exchanged a

hearty shake of the hand with Edmond, Danglars and

Caderousse took their places beside Fernand and old Dantes,

-- the latter of whom attracted universal notice. The old

man was attired in a suit of glistening watered silk,

trimmed with steel buttons, beautifully cut and polished.

His thin but wiry legs were arrayed in a pair of richly

embroidered clocked stockings, evidently of English

manufacture, while from his three-cornered hat depended a

long streaming knot of white and blue ribbons. Thus he came

along, supporting himself on a curiously carved stick, his

aged countenance lit up with happiness, looking for all the

world like one of the aged dandies of 1796, parading the

newly opened gardens of the Tuileries and Luxembourg. Beside

him glided Caderousse, whose desire to partake of the good

things provided for the wedding-party had induced him to

become reconciled to the Dantes, father and son, although

there still lingered in his mind a faint and unperfect

recollection of the events of the preceding night; just as

the brain retains on waking in the morning the dim and misty

outline of a dream.


As Danglars approached the disappointed lover, he cast on

him a look of deep meaning, while Fernand, as he slowly

paced behind the happy pair, who seemed, in their own

unmixed content, to have entirely forgotten that such a

being as himself existed, was pale and abstracted;

occasionally, however, a deep flush would overspread his

countenance, and a nervous contraction distort his features,

while, with an agitated and restless gaze, he would glance

in the direction of Marseilles, like one who either

anticipated or foresaw some great and important event.


Dantes himself was simply, but becomingly, clad in the dress

peculiar to the merchant service -- a costume somewhat

between a military and a civil garb; and with his fine

countenance, radiant with joy and happiness, a more perfect

specimen of manly beauty could scarcely be imagined.


Lovely as the Greek girls of Cyprus or Chios, Mercedes

boasted the same bright flashing eyes of jet, and ripe,

round, coral lips. She moved with the light, free step of an

Arlesienne or an Andalusian. One more practiced in the arts

of great cities would have hid her blushes beneath a veil,

or, at least, have cast down her thickly fringed lashes, so

as to have concealed the liquid lustre of her animated eyes;

but, on the contrary, the delighted girl looked around her

with a smile that seemed to say: "If you are my friends,

rejoice with me, for I am very happy."


As soon as the bridal party came in sight of La Reserve, M.

Morrel descended and came forth to meet it, followed by the

soldiers and sailors there assembled, to whom he had

repeated the promise already given, that Dantes should be

the successor to the late Captain Leclere. Edmond, at the

approach of his patron, respectfully placed the arm of his

affianced bride within that of M. Morrel, who, forthwith

conducting her up the flight of wooden steps leading to the

chamber in which the feast was prepared, was gayly followed

by the guests, beneath whose heavy tread the slight

structure creaked and groaned for the space of several



"Father," said Mercedes, stopping when she had reached the

centre of the table, "sit, I pray you, on my right hand; on

my left I will place him who has ever been as a brother to

me," pointing with a soft and gentle smile to Fernand; but

her words and look seemed to inflict the direst torture on

him, for his lips became ghastly pale, and even beneath the

dark hue of his complexion the blood might be seen

retreating as though some sudden pang drove it back to the



During this time, Dantes, at the opposite side of the table,

had been occupied in similarly placing his most honored

guests. M. Morrel was seated at his right hand, Danglars at

his left; while, at a sign from Edmond, the rest of the

company ranged themselves as they found it most agreeable.


Then they began to pass around the dusky, piquant, Arlesian

sausages, and lobsters in their dazzling red cuirasses,

prawns of large size and brilliant color, the echinus with

its prickly outside and dainty morsel within, the clovis,

esteemed by the epicures of the South as more than rivalling

the exquisite flavor of the oyster, -- all the delicacies,

in fact, that are cast up by the wash of waters on the sandy

beach, and styled by the grateful fishermen "fruits of the



"A pretty silence truly!" said the old father of the

bride-groom, as he carried to his lips a glass of wine of

the hue and brightness of the topaz, and which had just been

placed before Mercedes herself. "Now, would anybody think

that this room contained a happy, merry party, who desire

nothing better than to laugh and dance the hours away?"


"Ah," sighed Caderousse, "a man cannot always feel happy

because he is about to be married."


"The truth is," replied Dantes, "that I am too happy for

noisy mirth; if that is what you meant by your observation,

my worthy friend, you are right; joy takes a strange effect

at times, it seems to oppress us almost the same as sorrow."


Danglars looked towards Fernand, whose excitable nature

received and betrayed each fresh impression.


"Why, what ails you?" asked he of Edmond. "Do you fear any

approaching evil? I should say that you were the happiest

man alive at this instant."


"And that is the very thing that alarms me," returned

Dantes. "Man does not appear to me to be intended to enjoy

felicity so unmixed; happiness is like the enchanted palaces

we read of in our childhood, where fierce, fiery dragons

defend the entrance and approach; and monsters of all shapes

and kinds, requiring to be overcome ere victory is ours. I

own that I am lost in wonder to find myself promoted to an

honor of which I feel myself unworthy -- that of being the

husband of Mercedes."


"Nay, nay!" cried Caderousse, smiling, "you have not

attained that honor yet. Mercedes is not yet your wife. Just

assume the tone and manner of a husband, and see how she

will remind you that your hour is not yet come!"


The bride blushed, while Fernand, restless and uneasy,

seemed to start at every fresh sound, and from time to time

wiped away the large drops of perspiration that gathered on

his brow.


"Well, never mind that, neighbor Caderousse; it is not worth

while to contradict me for such a trifle as that. 'Tis true

that Mercedes is not actually my wife; but," added he,

drawing out his watch, "in an hour and a half she will be."


A general exclamation of surprise ran round the table, with

the exception of the elder Dantes, whose laugh displayed the

still perfect beauty of his large white teeth. Mercedes

looked pleased and gratified, while Fernand grasped the

handle of his knife with a convulsive clutch.


"In an hour?" inquired Danglars, turning pale. "How is that,

my friend?"


"Why, thus it is," replied Dantes. "Thanks to the influence

of M. Morrel, to whom, next to my father, I owe every

blessing I enjoy, every difficulty his been removed. We have

purchased permission to waive the usual delay; and at

half-past two o'clock the mayor of Marseilles will be

waiting for us at the city hall. Now, as a quarter-past one

has already struck, I do not consider I have asserted too

much in saying, that, in another hour and thirty minutes

Mercedes will have become Madame Dantes."


Fernand closed his eyes, a burning sensation passed across

his brow, and he was compelled to support himself by the

table to prevent his falling from his chair; but in spite of

all his efforts, he could not refrain from uttering a deep

groan, which, however, was lost amid the noisy felicitations

of the company.


"Upon my word," cried the old man, "you make short work of

this kind of affair. Arrived here only yesterday morning,

and married to-day at three o'clock! Commend me to a sailor

for going the quick way to work!"


"But," asked Danglars, in a timid tone, "how did you manage

about the other formalities -- the contract -- the



"The contract," answered Dantes, laughingly, "it didn't take

long to fix that. Mercedes has no fortune; I have none to

settle on her. So, you see, our papers were quickly written

out, and certainly do not come very expensive." This joke

elicited a fresh burst of applause.


"So that what we presumed to be merely the betrothal feast

turns out to be the actual wedding dinner!" said Danglars.


"No, no," answered Dantes; "don't imagine I am going to put

you off in that shabby manner. To-morrow morning I start for

Paris; four days to go, and the same to return, with one day

to discharge the commission intrusted to me, is all the time

I shall be absent. I shall be back here by the first of

March, and on the second I give my real marriage feast."


This prospect of fresh festivity redoubled the hilarity of

the guests to such a degree, that the elder Dantes, who, at

the commencement of the repast, had commented upon the

silence that prevailed, now found it difficult, amid the

general din of voices, to obtain a moment's tranquillity in

which to drink to the health and prosperity of the bride and



Dantes, perceiving the affectionate eagerness of his father,

responded by a look of grateful pleasure; while Mercedes

glanced at the clock and made an expressive gesture to



Around the table reigned that noisy hilarity which usually

prevails at such a time among people sufficiently free from

the demands of social position not to feel the trammels of

etiquette. Such as at the commencement of the repast had not

been able to seat themselves according to their inclination

rose unceremoniously, and sought out more agreeable

companions. Everybody talked at once, without waiting for a

reply and each one seemed to be contented with expressing

his or her own thoughts.


Fernand's paleness appeared to have communicated itself to

Danglars. As for Fernand himself, he seemed to be enduring

the tortures of the damned; unable to rest, he was among the

first to quit the table, and, as though seeking to avoid the

hilarious mirth that rose in such deafening sounds, he

continued, in utter silence, to pace the farther end of the



Caderousse approached him just as Danglars, whom Fernand

seemed most anxious to avoid, had joined him in a corner of

the room.


"Upon my word," said Caderousse, from whose mind the

friendly treatment of Dantes, united with the effect of the

excellent wine he had partaken of, had effaced every feeling

of envy or jealousy at Dantes' good fortune, -- "upon my

word, Dantes is a downright good fellow, and when I see him

sitting there beside his pretty wife that is so soon to be.

I cannot help thinking it would have been a great pity to

have served him that trick you were planning yesterday."


"Oh, there was no harm meant," answered Danglars; "at first

I certainly did feel somewhat uneasy as to what Fernand

might be tempted to do; but when I saw how completely he had

mastered his feelings, even so far as to become one of his

rival's attendants, I knew there was no further cause for

apprehension." Caderousse looked full at Fernand -- he was

ghastly pale.


"Certainly," continued Danglars, "the sacrifice was no

trifling one, when the beauty of the bride is concerned.

Upon my soul, that future captain of mine is a lucky dog!

Gad, I only wish he would let me take his place."


"Shall we not set forth?" asked the sweet, silvery voice of

Mercedes; "two o'clock has just struck, and you know we are

expected in a quarter of an hour."


"To be sure! -- to be sure!" cried Dantes, eagerly quitting

the table; "let us go directly!"


His words were re-echoed by the whole party, with vociferous



At this moment Danglars, who had been incessantly observing

every change in Fernand's look and manner, saw him stagger

and fall back, with an almost convulsive spasm, against a

seat placed near one of the open windows. At the same

instant his ear caught a sort of indistinct sound on the

stairs, followed by the measured tread of soldiery, with the

clanking of swords and military accoutrements; then came a

hum and buzz as of many voices, so as to deaden even the

noisy mirth of the bridal party, among whom a vague feeling

of curiosity and apprehension quelled every disposition to

talk, and almost instantaneously the most deathlike

stillness prevailed.


The sounds drew nearer. Three blows were struck upon the

panel of the door. The company looked at each other in



"I demand admittance," said a loud voice outside the room,

"in the name of the law!" As no attempt was made to prevent

it, the door was opened, and a magistrate, wearing his

official scarf, presented himself, followed by four soldiers

and a corporal. Uneasiness now yielded to the most extreme

dread on the part of those present.


"May I venture to inquire the reason of this unexpected

visit?" said M. Morrel, addressing the magistrate, whom he

evidently knew; "there is doubtless some mistake easily



"If it be so," replied the magistrate, "rely upon every

reparation being made; meanwhile, I am the bearer of an

order of arrest, and although I most reluctantly perform the

task assigned me, it must, nevertheless, be fulfilled. Who

among the persons here assembled answers to the name of

Edmond Dantes?" Every eye was turned towards the young man

who, spite of the agitation he could not but feel, advanced

with dignity, and said, in a firm voice, "I am he; what is

your pleasure with me?"


"Edmond Dantes," replied the magistrate, "I arrest you in

the name of the law!"


"Me!" repeated Edmond, slightly changing color, "and

wherefore, I pray?"


"I cannot inform you, but you will be duly acquainted with

the reasons that have rendered such a step necessary at the

preliminary examination."


M. Morrel felt that further resistance or remonstrance was

useless. He saw before him an officer delegated to enforce

the law, and perfectly well knew that it would be as

unavailing to seek pity from a magistrate decked with his

official scarf, as to address a petition to some cold marble

effigy. Old Dantes, however, sprang forward. There are

situations which the heart of a father or a mother cannot be

made to understand. He prayed and supplicated in terms so

moving, that even the officer was touched, and, although

firm in his duty, he kindly said, "My worthy friend, let me

beg of you to calm your apprehensions. Your son has probably

neglected some prescribed form or attention in registering

his cargo, and it is more than probable he will be set at

liberty directly he has given the information required,

whether touching the health of his crew, or the value of his



"What is the meaning of all this?" inquired Caderousse,

frowningly, of Danglars, who had assumed an air of utter



"How can I tell you?" replied he; "I am, like yourself,

utterly bewildered at all that is going on, and cannot in

the least make out what it is about." Caderousse then looked

around for Fernand, but he had disappeared.


The scene of the previous night now came back to his mind

with startling clearness. The painful catastrophe he had

just witnessed appeared effectually to have rent away the

veil which the intoxication of the evening before had raised

between himself and his memory.


"So, so," said he, in a hoarse and choking voice, to

Danglars, "this, then, I suppose, is a part of the trick you

were concerting yesterday? All I can say is, that if it be

so, 'tis an ill turn, and well deserves to bring double evil

on those who have projected it."


"Nonsense," returned Danglars, "I tell you again I have

nothing whatever to do with it; besides, you know very well

that I tore the paper to pieces."


"No, you did not!" answered Caderousse, "you merely threw it

by -- I saw it lying in a corner."


"Hold your tongue, you fool! -- what should you know about

it? -- why, you were drunk!"


"Where is Fernand?" inquired Caderousse.


"How do I know?" replied Danglars; "gone, as every prudent

man ought to be, to look after his own affairs, most likely.

Never mind where he is, let you and I go and see what is to

be done for our poor friends."


During this conversation, Dantes, after having exchanged a

cheerful shake of the hand with all his sympathizing

friends, had surrendered himself to the officer sent to

arrest him, merely saying, "Make yourselves quite easy, my

good fellows, there is some little mistake to clear up,

that's all, depend upon it; and very likely I may not have

to go so far as the prison to effect that."


"Oh, to be sure!" responded Danglars, who had now approached

the group, "nothing more than a mistake, I feel quite



Dantes descended the staircase, preceded by the magistrate,

and followed by the soldiers. A carriage awaited him at the

door; he got in, followed by two soldiers and the

magistrate, and the vehicle drove off towards Marseilles.


"Adieu, adieu, dearest Edmond!" cried Mercedes, stretching

out her arms to him from the balcony.


The prisoner heard the cry, which sounded like the sob of a

broken heart, and leaning from the coach he called out,

"Good-by, Mercedes -- we shall soon meet again!" Then the

vehicle disappeared round one of the turnings of Fort Saint



"Wait for me here, all of you!" cried M. Morrel; "I will

take the first conveyance I find, and hurry to Marseilles,

whence I will bring you word how all is going on."


"That's right!" exclaimed a multitude of voices, "go, and

return as quickly as you can!"


This second departure was followed by a long and fearful

state of terrified silence on the part of those who were

left behind. The old father and Mercedes remained for some

time apart, each absorbed in grief; but at length the two

poor victims of the same blow raised their eyes, and with a

simultaneous burst of feeling rushed into each other's arms.


Meanwhile Fernand made his appearance, poured out for

himself a glass of water with a trembling hand; then hastily

swallowing it, went to sit down at the first vacant place,

and this was, by mere chance, placed next to the seat on

which poor Mercedes had fallen half fainting, when released

from the warm and affectionate embrace of old Dantes.

Instinctively Fernand drew back his chair.


"He is the cause of all this misery -- I am quite sure of

it," whispered Caderousse, who had never taken his eyes off

Fernand, to Danglars.


"I don't think so," answered the other; he's too stupid to

imagine such a scheme. I only hope the mischief will fall

upon the head of whoever wrought it."


"You don't mention those who aided and abetted the deed,"

said Caderousse.


"Surely," answered Danglars, "one cannot be held responsible

for every chance arrow shot into the air."


"You can, indeed, when the arrow lights point downward on

somebody's head."


Meantime the subject of the arrest was being canvassed in

every different form.


"What think you, Danglars," said one of the party, turning

towards him, "of this event?"


"Why," replied he, "I think it just possible Dantes may have

been detected with some trifling article on board ship

considered here as contraband."


"But how could he have done so without your knowledge,

Danglars, since you are the ship's supercargo?"


"Why, as for that, I could only know what I was told

respecting the merchandise with which the vessel was laden.

I know she was loaded with cotton, and that she took in her

freight at Alexandria from Pastret's warehouse, and at

Smyrna from Pascal's; that is all I was obliged to know, and

I beg I may not be asked for any further particulars."


"Now I recollect," said the afflicted old father; "my poor

boy told me yesterday he had got a small case of coffee, and

another of tobacco for me!"


"There, you see," exclaimed Danglars. "Now the mischief is

out; depend upon it the custom-house people went rummaging

about the ship in our absence, and discovered poor Dantes'

hidden treasures."


Mercedes, however, paid no heed to this explanation of her

lover's arrest. Her grief, which she had hitherto tried to

restrain, now burst out in a violent fit of hysterical



"Come, come," said the old man, "be comforted, my poor

child; there is still hope!"


"Hope!" repeated Danglars.


"Hope!" faintly murmured Fernand, but the word seemed to die

away on his pale agitated lips, and a convulsive spasm

passed over his countenance.


"Good news! good news!" shouted forth one of the party

stationed in the balcony on the lookout. "Here comes M.

Morrel back. No doubt, now, we shall hear that our friend is



Mercedes and the old man rushed to meet the shipowner and

greeted him at the door. He was very pale.


"What news?" exclaimed a general burst of voices.


"Alas, my friends," replied M. Morrel, with a mournful shake

of his head, "the thing has assumed a more serious aspect

than I expected."


"Oh, indeed -- indeed, sir, he is innocent!" sobbed forth



"That I believe!" answered M. Morrel; "but still he is

charged" --


"With what?" inquired the elder Dantes.


"With being an agent of the Bonapartist faction!" Many of

our readers may be able to recollect how formidable such an

accusation became in the period at which our story is dated.


A despairing cry escaped the pale lips of Mercedes; the old

man sank into a chair.


"Ah, Danglars!" whispered Caderousse, "you have deceived me

-- the trick you spoke of last night has been played; but I

cannot suffer a poor old man or an innocent girl to die of

grief through your fault. I am determined to tell them all

about it."


"Be silent, you simpleton!" cried Danglars, grasping him by

the arm, "or I will not answer even for your own safety. Who

can tell whether Dantes be innocent or guilty? The vessel

did touch at Elba, where he quitted it, and passed a whole

day in the island. Now, should any letters or other

documents of a compromising character be found upon him,

will it not be taken for granted that all who uphold him are

his accomplices?"


With the rapid instinct of selfishness, Caderousse readily

perceived the solidity of this mode of reasoning; he gazed,

doubtfully, wistfully, on Danglars, and then caution

supplanted generosity.


"Suppose we wait a while, and see what comes of it," said

he, casting a bewildered look on his companion.


"To be sure!" answered Danglars. "Let us wait, by all means.

If he be innocent, of course he will be set at liberty; if

guilty, why, it is no use involving ourselves in a



"Let us go, then. I cannot stay here any longer."


"With all my heart!" replied Danglars, pleased to find the

other so tractable. "Let us take ourselves out of the way,

and leave things for the present to take their course."


After their departure, Fernand, who had now again become the

friend and protector of Mercedes, led the girl to her home,

while the friends of Dantes conducted the now half-fainting

man back to his abode.


The rumor of Edmond arrest as a Bonapartist agent was not

slow in circulating throughout the city.


"Could you ever have credited such a thing, my dear

Danglars?" asked M. Morrel, as, on his return to the port

for the purpose of gleaning fresh tidings of Dantes, from M.

de Villefort, the assistant procureur, he overtook his

supercargo and Caderousse. "Could you have believed such a

thing possible?"


"Why, you know I told you," replied Danglars, "that I

considered the circumstance of his having anchored at the

Island of Elba as a very suspicious circumstance."


"And did you mention these suspicions to any person beside



"Certainly not!" returned Danglars. Then added in a low

whisper, "You understand that, on account of your uncle, M.

Policar Morrel, who served under the other government, and

who does not altogether conceal what he thinks on the

subject, you are strongly suspected of regretting the

abdication of Napoleon. I should have feared to injure both

Edmond and yourself, had I divulged my own apprehensions to

a soul. I am too well aware that though a subordinate, like

myself, is bound to acquaint the shipowner with everything

that occurs, there are many things he ought most carefully

to conceal from all else."


"'Tis well, Danglars -- 'tis well!" replied M. Morrel. "You

are a worthy fellow; and I had already thought of your

interests in the event of poor Edmond having become captain

of the Pharaon."


"Is it possible you were so kind?"


"Yes, indeed; I had previously inquired of Dantes what was

his opinion of you, and if he should have any reluctance to

continue you in your post, for somehow I have perceived a

sort of coolness between you."


"And what was his reply?"


"That he certainly did think he had given you offence in an

affair which he merely referred to without entering into

particulars, but that whoever possessed the good opinion and

confidence of the ship's owner would have his preference



"The hypocrite!" murmured Danglars.


"Poor Dantes!" said Caderousse. "No one can deny his being a

noble-hearted young fellow."


"But meanwhile," continued M. Morrel, "here is the Pharaon

without a captain."


"Oh," replied Danglars, "since we cannot leave this port for

the next three months, let us hope that ere the expiration

of that period Dantes will be set at liberty."


"No doubt; but in the meantime?"


"I am entirely at your service, M. Morrel," answered

Danglars. "You know that I am as capable of managing a ship

as the most experienced captain in the service; and it will

be so far advantageous to you to accept my services, that

upon Edmond's release from prison no further change will be

requisite on board the Pharaon than for Dantes and myself

each to resume our respective posts."


"Thanks, Danglars -- that will smooth over all difficulties.

I fully authorize you at once to assume the command of the

Pharaon, and look carefully to the unloading of her freight.

Private misfortunes must never be allowed to interfere with



"Be easy on that score, M. Morrel; but do you think we shall

be permitted to see our poor Edmond?"


"I will let you know that directly I have seen M. de

Villefort, whom I shall endeavor to interest in Edmond's

favor. I am aware he is a furious royalist; but, in spite of

that, and of his being king's attorney, he is a man like

ourselves, and I fancy not a bad sort of one."


"Perhaps not," replied Danglars; "but I hear that he is

ambitions, and that's rather against him."


"Well, well," returned M. Morrel, "we shall see. But now

hasten on board, I will join you there ere long." So saying,

the worthy shipowner quitted the two allies, and proceeded

in the direction of the Palais de Justice.


"You see," said Danglars, addressing Caderousse, "the turn

things have taken. Do you still feel any desire to stand up

in his defence?"


"Not the slightest, but yet it seems to me a shocking thing

that a mere joke should lead to such consequences."


"But who perpetrated that joke, let me ask? neither you nor

myself, but Fernand; you knew very well that I threw the

paper into a corner of the room -- indeed, I fancied I had

destroyed it."


"Oh, no," replied Caderousse, "that I can answer for, you

did not. I only wish I could see it now as plainly as I saw

it lying all crushed and crumpled in a corner of the arbor."


"Well, then, if you did, depend upon it, Fernand picked it

up, and either copied it or caused it to be copied; perhaps,

even, he did not take the trouble of recopying it. And now I

think of it, by Heavens, he may have sent the letter itself!

Fortunately, for me, the handwriting was disguised."


"Then you were aware of Dantes being engaged in a



"Not I. As I before said, I thought the whole thing was a

joke, nothing more. It seems, however, that I have

unconsciously stumbled upon the truth."


"Still," argued Caderousse, "I would give a great deal if

nothing of the kind had happened; or, at least, that I had

had no hand in it. You will see, Danglars, that it will turn

out an unlucky job for both of us."


"Nonsense! If any harm come of it, it should fall on the

guilty person; and that, you know, is Fernand. How can we be

implicated in any way? All we have got to do is, to keep our

own counsel, and remain perfectly quiet, not breathing a

word to any living soul; and you will see that the storm

will pass away without in the least affecting us."


"Amen!" responded Caderousse, waving his hand in token of

adieu to Danglars, and bending his steps towards the Allees

de Meillan, moving his head to and fro, and muttering as he

went, after the manner of one whose mind was overcharged

with one absorbing idea.


"So far, then," said Danglars, mentally, "all has gone as I

would have it. I am, temporarily, commander of the Pharaon,

with the certainty of being permanently so, if that fool of

a Caderousse can be persuaded to hold his tongue. My only

fear is the chance of Dantes being released. But, there, he

is in the hands of Justice; and," added he with a smile,

"she will take her own." So saying, he leaped into a boat,

desiring to be rowed on board the Pharaon, where M. Morrel

had agreed to meet him.



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